Important Update: Improvements to the Parking Permit Program - Click here for details

Parking Permit Program

Service Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM at 1857 Notre Dame Ave in Winnipeg

what we offer.

A parking permit ensures individuals with mobility challenges can park in one of the designated accessible parking spots in lots across the province.

To obtain an accessible parking permit in Manitoba, a healthcare professional must apply on your behalf.

The Parking Permit Program is regulated by Manitoba Transportation & Infrastructure and administered by Manitoba Possible. A parking permit costs $15. There are two types of parking permits: 

Permanent Permits

Permanent permits are valid for three years. After that, they need to be renewed. To renew, you don’t need to see a healthcare provider. Instead, Manitoba Possible will contact you directly by email or mail (based on the contact information we have on file) four to six weeks prior to your expiry to start the renewal process. 

Temporary Permits 

Temporary permits are issued for a specific amount of time based on your healthcare provider’s prescribed time period. When your temporary permit expires, you need to visit your healthcare provider to renew it. They will submit a new application on your behalf. 

Processing time for parking permits is approximately 20 business days from the date your healthcare provider submits your application to when we contact you for payment options and further details.

who is eligible.

Individuals who are “unable to walk more than 50 metres unassisted without great difficulty or danger to health and safety” are eligible to obtain a parking permit. A healthcare professional must apply on your behalf. Contact your primary healthcare provider (doctor, nurse practitioner, chiropractor, occupational therapist or physiotherapist) to begin the online application process.

To apply, you must have:

  • a health condition that meets eligibility requirements 

  • authorization from a regulated healthcare practitioner 

Individuals are eligible for a permit even if they don't own a vehicle. The permit can be hung in the rear-view mirror of any car as long as the registered permit holder is also in the car. 

Manitoba Possible does not enforce or administer accessible parking spaces. All inquiries regarding parking metres and parking permit stalls should be directed to your municipality or city administration.

For Healthcare Professionals

Application forms are to be completed by licensed medical professionals only.

► English Application Form

► French Application Form

Visit our YouTube page for a step-by-step video on completing the online application.


  • Using your permit properly will help make sure that designated spaces are being used by the people who need them.

    View full list of your responsibilities as a permit holder.

  • Permanent parking permit holders will be contacted by mail or email four to six weeks before their permit expires to begin the renewal process.

    1. If renewing by mail, we will send your renewal form to you via Canada Post. Once we receive your payment, we will mail you the renewal stickers.

    2. If we have an email address on file, we will email your renewal form. After you submit the form, a second email with a payment link will be sent approximately two weeks later.

    Temporary parking permit holders need to visit their healthcare provider, who will submit a new application on their behalf.

  • If your application has been denied or cancelled, you may pursue a medical review and appeal the decision.

    For information on this process, please visit the Government of Manitoba’s Medical Review Committee website.

  • People moving to Manitoba are required to get a Manitoba parking permit within three months of becoming a permanent resident.

    Visitors to Manitoba can use their accessible parking permit during their visit – just as the Manitoba parking permit is recognized across Canada, the United States and the European Union (EU). We recommend checking with local authorities when planning on using your permit abroad.

  • If you no longer need your parking permit, or if the permit holder has passed away, please return the permit either in person (a drop off box is available for after hours) or by mail to:

    1857 Notre Dame Avenue,
    Winnipeg, Manitoba,
    R3E 3E7.

    1857 Notre Dame Avenue,
    Winnipeg, Manitoba,
    R3E 3E7.

    You only need a regular postage stamp and envelope to mail it.

    Using someone else's permit is illegal under the Highway Traffic Act. All parking permits remain the property of the Parking Permit Program.

  • Lost, stolen, or damaged parking permits can be replaced for a fee of $6.00. You can replace these permits in person at 1857 Notre Dame Avenue between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

    Alternatively, you can request a replacement by:

    • Calling 204-975-3257 (Toll-Free: 1-844-975-3257

    • Emailing

    • Mailing a brief letter with a cheque or money order for $6.00 to:

    1857 Notre Dame Avenue,
    Winnipeg, MB,
    R3E 3E7.

  • Parking permits expire at the end of the month indicated on the permit.

  • Parking permits can be used in any vehicle the pass holder is travelling in. We cannot offer multiple permits to clients who have multiple vehicles.

  • Within the City of Winnipeg, contact the City of Winnipeg by phoning 311 or accessing the 311 website. For all other communities, please contact the local parking authority or by law office.

  • We cannot offer same-day processing to applicants who bring their form (completed by their healthcare professional) to our office.

    You can choose to leave a cheque with the application and we will mail the permit once processing is complete. If you choose not to leave a cheque when dropping off your application, we will call you for payment once processed. Please note, processing times are currently 3-4 weeks.


If you need assistance in applying or renewing, please get in touch:
Phone: 204-975-3257
Toll-Free: 1-844-975-3257

Parking Permit Office:
1857 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg MB
R3E 3E7

Please note our regional offices in rural Manitoba cannot process parking permit applications or accept payments.